Archangel is a type of celestial being who predates the existence of most sentient beings. They are the harbingers of Divine justice and the governors of the Elevated Planes. These angels are in the direct service of God, and often make up the armies of the Elevated Planes. The archangels are responsible for the banishment of the malevolent creatures who reside in the Hell dimensions. All
lesser angels fall under their command.
In the Valiantverse the abilities and physical features of archangels are widely varied, however, most favor beautiful humanoids with sculpted physiques that have large, birdlike wings growing from their backs. Like most celestial beings, they are immortal and do not age. Archangels possess a degree of superhuman strength that rivals the strongest of deities, can speak with any creature that has a language, project bolts of heavenly fire from their hands, and heal fatal wounds. Like lesser angels, they can also make themselves invisible to humans, and are even capable of shielding themselves from the most rare of powerful psychics.
Archangels are a special breed of angel, and neither a human soul or a lesser angel can evolve into an archangel. The only way in which a human soul or lesser angel can become an archangel and acquire their traits and powers is if God transforms them into such an entity Himself. A great act of true self-sacrifice is usually warranted for this to actually occur.
Because of the magnitude of their power, starting characters do not enter the game as archangels. In fact, archangels are generally staffed played characters. However, in some instances, veteran members can be chosen to play an archangel to help fulfill plot requirements. Archangels of all types have an
Experience Points base count of Experience Points: 100.