Supernatural Histories -> Supernatural Practices -> Divine Calling
The is considered to be the least understood gift, believed to be granted by a Greater Power, possibly God or his chief Angels. While scientists scoff at such notions and occultists theorize that these powers are nothing but misguided magical abilities with a psychological dependency on Faith, the effectiveness of Divine Calling is without question. Those whose Faith is strong enough can indeed perform miracles, heal the sick, and smite the unrighteous. Humans and Angels fill the ranks of the Called.
The Called and Miracles
Acquiring Miracles

Miracles are not skills; they are learned through mystical revelation by the Called. To acquire miracles, the character must gain the knowledge from some sort of Divine inspiration; either from ancient teachings or an Elder of the Called. Additionally, the experienced Called often have a large pool of Mystical Energy (EXP) granted to them as a result of their connection to the Creator.

The Called may have Seer Powers, although such combinations are rare. No character inspired by the Divine can acquire or learn necromantic or magical abilities. Even when such powers are not considered to be tools of Satan (as many of the Called believe), they are seen contemptuously as distractions from their righteous service to God.

Using Miracles

The Called use miracles in a manner similar to magic, by channeling EXP into the effects they desire. Unlike witches, however, the Called have no limits as to how much EXP they can use. The Called can use up their entire EXP count in one miracle if it seems necessary. EXP is regained at the rate of 1 point per in-character post, as per usual.

Also unlike magic, miracles cannot be used at the whim of their wielder. Only extreme situations, where lives are at stake or supernatural powers have manifested openly, warrant the use of miracles. A Believer who tries to call upon the "Strength of Ten" to win a bar fight will fail; even worse, the blasphemy of trying to use God’s powers to do profane work may cost the Believer his Called powers, perhaps permanently!

In most cases, the Called must try to solve their problems through mundane means. Only when confronting beings who are clearly agents of an unnatural power will using one’s abilities be justified. Even trying to fight mundane evil may not warrant using miracles. Within these parameters, the use of miracles is relatively easy. If enough EXP is available to power the miracle, it will generally manifest itself.

The Denial

In addition to their repertoire of miracles, all the Called can use their EXP to neutralize magic and any psychic or supernatural power that uses EXP. The Denial (as this power is called) consists of projecting spiritual essence against the psychic or supernatural being using the special power. If the Called used up more EXP than the target did, the power fails.

Clashing Miracles

What happens when the Called of two different religions run up against each other? In the past, such individuals might face off, each confident of being the servant of the one True God. Even then, however, more often than not, miracles of either side would not work against another Called, regardless of their religious persuasion. In recent times, this is almost always the case.

It may appear (and many of the Called believe this) that the members of every monotheistic religion are worshipping the same Deity, and that their differences are meaningless in the Creator’s eyes. The Called who have publicly said such things, however, have often found themselves excommunicated or shunned as a result.

Tests of Faith

Tests of Faith

Unlike other supernatural powers, Divine miracles can be lost at any moment. Should the character lose his Faith, his powers become nothing but memories. Falling from Grace is a terrible tragedy for those inspired by the Divine Calling, and in the strange and vicious world, it is easy to do. Pride (which “Goeth before the Fall”), temptation, greed, lust and cynicism are among the many pitfalls that await the Called in their war against the forces of darkness. Some beings, demons and fiends in particular, take a perverse delight in tricking the Called into making that fatal mistake which costs them their state of Grace.

Sometimes the moral dilemmas are truly harrowing. Should the Called save an innocent or take the opportunity to destroy a being that, left to its own devices, will surely kill again? Should the character break his word if given to a supernatural monster, even if the monster seeks to twist the meaning of the promise? Is accepting a reward for one’s actions a sign of greed, or is turning it down one of pride? The Called have to come up with the right answer or risk losing it all.

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