Since humankind gained the gift of self-awareness (and perhaps before then), some people have been blessed with senses and abilities beyond the physical. A select few have always been able to see into the minds of others, to catch glimpses of the past and future, and even to affect the world directly with no tools but their strength of will. These powers have long been known as “the Sight” or “the Second Sight,” since many such abilities involve sensing or seeing things beyond the scope of the five senses. Science has also labeled those powers, calling them ESP (short for Extra-Sensory Perception), and psychic or paranormal abilities.
Of all the powers of the supernatural, the Sight is the most widely accepted by the general public. Its existence is no longer doubted among most people, although the scientific community still strongly denies it. Most people have not been exposed to these powers, however, and they are likely to react to such displays with fear or hatred.