In a world where evil threatens to dominate mankind, three sister witches use their magical gifts to ward off the demonic hordes. Born from a legacy of powerful Warren witches, they must use their abilities to protect the innocent. These women are known as the Charmed Ones. Come and join their world as you choose between good and evil while discovering a whole new life of magic, friendship, love, betrayal and much, much more!
Originated: October 3rd, 2004
Game Day: Meeting of the Minds
Layout Featuring: The Dreamscape
Character Count: 56
orbs in
an introduction
Hello! This is your official welcome to the world of Charmed: Age of Prophecy! This is an online role-playing community, which functions on a play-by-post system. The RPG is based off the fictional works of the virtual series, Charmed: The Virtual Series. Of course, the series itself is based off the mythological work of the eight season long WB series Charmed.
The information gathered in this online website and forum is the sole property of John, the creator of both Charmed: The Virtual Series and Charmed: Age of Prophecy. Any and all creations not belonging to him, the staff, or members are given credit in the website's disclaimer.
august 11, 2008 | posted by John
To coincide with the role-playing gameâÄ™s new game day a brand new layout and board theme has been uploaded onto the main site and forum, Meeting of the Minds. Also, with the revamp of the main site, the Player Handbook will no longer be hosted on the web site. Instead you can now download the current version of our Player Handbook in a PDF format. Visit our new downloads section and to get your own copy of the handbook.
december 10, 2007 | posted by John
A new layout featuring a sky point view of San Francisco has been uploaded onto the main site. A majority of the website pages have not been converted to the new design as of yet, but with the final week of school upon me, this will be changing soon.
march 20, 2007 | posted by John
Great news! Age of Prophecy has won nine web awards, four from Are You Charmed? Interactive and five from Noble Hearts Awards. Thanks to everyone who voted for us over at these two sites! It's great to know that you all continue to support the RPG in all its endeavors! Thanks to all the support Age of Prophecy walked away with top honors at both award sites, either earning or tying for most awards won! To view the awards visit the Awards & Accolades page. We also have 1 new RPG affiliate, so please be sure to check out our Affiliates page.
march 9, 2007 | posted by John
Please take a moment of your time to vote for us at Noble Hearts Awards. This is an award site determined by the vote of the visitors so if you would like to see us win an award in the category we're nominated in please submit your votes!
february 21, 2007 | posted by John
The board is now online again and the TIME JUMP has been implemented. As for site updates, the Mythical Lore section of the Player Handbook has been updated with a new entry.
february 17, 2007 | posted by John
Today the board is undergoing maintenance as the website and forum are getting a new layout design. Taking advantage of this downtime, a TIME JUMP is being implemented within most areas of the in-character forums. When the forum is once again online, the characters will be entering a new Game Day. An approximate time for when the forum will be back online is, February 18 at 10:00 PM PST (February 19 at 1:00 AM EST, 6:00 AM GMT). Please check the main site continually for further updates.